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"4-5 Year Olds (Pre-Kindergarten)" Program at Ready Set Grow Learning Center

Pre-Kindergarten is an important time for children.​

We promote independence in an organized atmosphere, as it in increasingly important for children to be their own thinkers.  We also teach children to work well within a group through listening, sharing and cooperation.

Program Goals are for the children to learn:

  • to make good decisions about their behaviors

  • to cooperate with other children and adults

  • to communicate with others about their experiences and feelings

  • to take initiate and solve problems

  • to gain reading and math readiness and concepts

Our students learn when it is work time, cleanup time, circle time, small group time and outside time.  By calling each period of the day by name, children learn a sense of time and order.  Children also learn to identify each area of the room (the art area, quiet area, housekeeping areas and the block area) as well as where materials belong, because each area is labeled with pictures and words.

Our daily activities are diligently designed to support your child's social, physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Language Development

We are here to encourage, to listen and to help guide your child in discovering success through communication.  Children are consistently encouraged to use words to express their needs and to effectively solve problems.

Literature, Pre-Reading and Reading

As children listen to a story, they are engaged in the process of forming concepts which is basic to intellectual growth.  Having the opportunity to discuss the reading is almost as important as the reading itself.  As the children actively share their reactions to the reading and answer questions, they gain a sense of comprehension and practice their verbal skills.


Children see and deal with colors, numbers, shapes and related mathematical concepts on a daily basis.  We will work on their knowledge of numbers and numeration, including larger than, smaller than, more, less and other concepts.  It's a critical area which we devote much attention to as well, in order for the children to not only gain knowledge but also appreciate the beauty of numbers and shapes in their world.

Social Skills

To be successful in our society, certain skills are necessary and can be developed at an early age.  Through play, learning and following a daily routine we help your child to develop the skills of decision making, critical thinking, independence, self-acceptance, and respect for authority.


In the early years, there is a thin line between fantasy and reality.  When we help a child reach reasonable conclusions by demonstrating cause and effect, we reinforce their understanding of the real world. We offer children variety of hands-on experiences when they learn to predict results, test ideas and draw conclusions.  As an explorer of this new world, your child will examine and use various tools of discovery.

Creative Art

Children learn through play. Early artistic experiences can be ideal vehicle to nurture and support your child's growing mind and body.  In the overall development of young children, the creative arts can be as important as the more academic skills we often associate with school, such as science and math.

Music and Movement

Music for children includes many opportunities to explore sound -- through singing, moving , listening and playing instruments -- as well as introductory experiences with music from a variety of cultures and styles.

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