"Toddlers" Program at Ready Set Grow Learning Center
12 months - 24 months
Our teachers and staff encourage these small, curious and constantly busy people as they investigate their gorowing world. We encourage and praise self-help and language development.
As your child apporaches the age of two and is starting to become more independent, we embrace the rapid pace at which your child is growing and learning and nurture them during this developmentally important stage.
Our dedicated teachers will focus on the following important areas when planning activities and working with your child: improving verbal skills, responding to simple and clear directions, sitting for short periods of time while engaged in both large and small group activities, making progress with social and self-help skills, demonstrating age-appropriate motor development and mastering toilet-training.
We also cultivate each child's self esteem through positive reinforcement and by providing a structured, consistent classroom environment. Ready Set Grow believes in both the importance of teaching age-appropriate academic material and ensuring a loving and nurturing environment for toddlers to explore and feed their curiosity as well as learn through play. We guarantee 4 to 1 teacher to child rations for toddlers 12 months-24 months (4 to 1 teacher to child rations).
Program Features
Healthy balance of nursing, learning and playtime throughout the day
Daily whole group instruction bolsters social skill development
Thematic units presented monthly that provide various daily activities and experiences
Development of self-esteem, confidence and love for learning
Regular communication between teachers and parents (via Brightwheel) to keep you informed and updated about your child's day